Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Good morning friends. As you will notice in a few seconds, I've added a playlist to my blog where I can share music with you all. I am letting you know first as a warning, in case you are at work (working tremendously hard, I see) and dont want it to begin playing out loud, and also to get you feedback on how the player is working. Any bugs, kinks, glitches? The box is on the sidebar of my blog and you can scroll through songs there (otherwise they will shuffle) using the up and down arrows, and you can use the stop/play function there as well. Any bugs, kinks, glitches? Let me know. Otherwise, enjoy the music. Hopefully you'll now have a reason to keep my blog even longer. ;)
Happy Wednesday....


  1. Thanks, "anonymous." Check back for updates!

  2. I'm seriously loving the songs in your playlist, but I thought you were going to turn off auto-play...
