Post taken from The Harlem Children's Zone
What is The Harlem Children's Zone?
An innovative and unique community-based organization, offering
education, social-service and community-building programs to children and families since 1970.
This summer over 340 communities nationwide applied for Promise Neighborhoods grants from the US Department of Education. Their goal is simple - they want to break the cycle of poverty for their
children and families by creating comprehensive initiatives based on the Harlem Children's Zone model.
President Obama proposed $210 million in his fiscal year 2011 budget for Promise Neighborhoods so communities can transform their visions into reality for poor children nationwide. But the House of Representatives recently slashed the proposed Promise Neighborhoods budget from $210 million to $60 million. Quite simply this means that for thousands of children, the failing schools, dangerous streets,
poor health care and other ills may not be addressed in the holistic way that the communities need.
We ask you to let your Senate and Representatives know that you want Promise Neighborhoods funding restored to $210 million for fiscal year 2011 in two ways:
1) Send a message to Congressional Leaders
2) If your organization is interested in signing onto a letter calling
to restore the funding, (view letter) contact HCZ's Policy Director
Kate Shoemaker at to add your organization.
Thank you!