Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Gift That (finally) Stops Giving

Want fewer catalogs clogging up your mailbox this year?
Use this link and all your Christmas dreams will come true.  I've tried it - it works.
You're welcome. 

Goodbye, Soda: Kids Drink to Good Health

My salute of the week:

Goodbye, Soda: Kids Drink to Good Health

Monday, December 14, 2009

Vit D and stroke

So you've probably figured out by now that I'm a Vitamin D pusher, and I'm not letting up any time soon.  Preliminary studies in Finland have shown that adequate Vitamin D levels may reduce a person's risk of dying from stroke by as much as 50%.  I have highlighted the sun as a source of Vit D in previous posts ("D for Deficient"), but a few have asked me for food sources - which are always a great way to ingest Vitamins, as they are absorbed much more wholly and in their natural state as compared with supplements.  Here are some common foods which are rich in Vitamin D.

     Salmon, canned (3oz) - 530 IU
     Salmon, cooked (3.5oz) - 240-260 IU (wild always - not farmed)
     Tuna, canned (3oz) - 200 IU
     Soymilk, fortified w Vit D (read the label!) - 100 IU (average)
     Milk, lowfat, fortified (8oz)
     Orange Juice, fortified (8oz) (limit to 1/2 cup per day due to sugar content)
     Cereal, fortified (read the label!) - 40-50 IU
     Egg (1 large) - 20-26 IU

The FDA recommends 400 IU's per day, but research is trending towards suggesting much higher amounts for optimal health or wellness.  Based on my reviews, I recommend 1,000 IU per day for anyone under 60 and 1200 IU for anyone over age 60 or with chronic health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, or frequent illness.  If you are found to be deficient in Vit D you may wish to take up to 2,000 IU per day until your levels are back to normal - but you should always talk to your healthcare provider first.  This is generally considered the maximum safe dose.  Natural food stores are usually the most ideal place to purchase supplements, as the brands they carry are more selective than general grocery stores or pharmacies, and staff members are generally more knowledgeable re: the best choices for individual needs.  Remember to account for time in the sun, supplements, and food sources when calculating your daily total.  In the winter when sun is scarce I encourage most of my patients and friends to up their supplements to avoid deficiencies and to boost mood.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Chocolate Rx

A recent clinical trial has linked consuming dark chocolate with reduced levels of stress hormones and anxiety in patients after only two weeks.  The participants of the study ingested about an ounce and a half of dark chocolate per day, with 74% cocoa solids, and were found to have generally lower levels of anxiety immediately after consuming the chocolate and lower levels of blood stress hormones.  Even though the study had some limitations - ie it was done by someone with some investment in the chocolate biz, and with only 30 subjects - I personally think its reason enough to enjoy a few squares of quality dark chocolate without guilt.  And you should too.  Keep in mind any chocolate with a content of 60% cocoa solids or more should show benefit, but the higher you can get the better off you and your antioxidant profile will be.  Happy stress-free snacking!

See the original study here.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sweet tooth vs. sanity?

The Links Between Sugar and Mental Health:
Noted British psychiatric researcher Malcolm Peet conducted a provocative cross-cultural analysis of the relationship between diet and mental illness. His primary finding was a strong link between high sugar consumption and the risk of both depression and schizophrenia.
There are at least two potential mechanisms through which refined sugar intake could exert a toxic effect on mental health. First, sugar actually suppresses activity of a key growth hormone in the brain called BDNF. BDNF levels are critically low in both depression and schizophrenia.
Second, sugar consumption triggers a cascade of chemical reactions in your body that promote chronic inflammation. In the long term, inflammation disrupts the normal functioning of your immune system, and wreaks havoc on your brain. Once again, it’s linked to a greater risk of depression and schizophrenia.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Inspiration of the day!

More reasons to keep meditating...

Studies are showing meditation can directly affect the structure and function of the brain, increasing alertness and focus and improving memory.  Meditation may actually be able to slow down the thinning of our neural cortex which naturally occurs with age.  It can also help regulate our emotions, contributing to overall well-being and likely improved relations with others.  Check out Time Magazine's feature highlighting the effects of meditation here.

Previous posts on the benefits of meditation:
Meditation Eases Heart Disease

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Millions of Americans Struggle to Find Food

 In these trying economic times, many families are finding themselves struggling simply to put enough food on their family's table.  I'd encourage us all to be mindful of the needs of those around us, and the increasing demands on local aid providers, and to consider helping out in any way in which our means allow.  Thanks to ABC World news for highlighting this issue on tonight's broadcast.
Millions of Americans Struggle to Find Food

Giving Thanks

Today's I'd like to wish each of you a wonderful and fulfilling Thanksgiving, saturated with sources of comfort and peace. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Antibacterial Nation

Nowadays it is quite common to see people walking around with bottles upon bottles of hand sanitizer, as we are consistently being told to wash our hands several times per day to keep germs (like swine flu, recently) away.  The antibacterial soap industry has quadrupled in size over the last decade, and continues to grow day by day.  Unfortunately we've sort of created our own monster with this concept, and we actually may be better off skipping the antibacterial soap and opting for the old fashioned stuff.  Even the American Medical Association has recommended ditching it in our homes.  Here's a few reasons why:

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Yoga Used as Coping Tool for Cancer and ADHD


Recent findings show practicing yoga decreases symptoms in cancer patients and in children with ADHD.  

Read more here.

Friday, October 30, 2009

A Tribute to Nicholas Branca, 2001-2009

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post, as my 7yo "red angel" (as those who loved him called him) Nicholas has lost his battle with Neuroblastoma. Diagnosed at age 3 with this devastating childhood cancer, Nicholas went through a series of experimental and traditional treatments in hopes of eradicating the disease with many periods of remission throughout his journey. Nicholas brought joy and happiness to those surrounding him with each passing day of his short life, in a way that none of us could have ever imagined possible - nor can we ever forget. His undeniable bravery and undying spirit provided all of us with a model of hope, perseverance, and courage that some take entire lifetimes to learn, and his spirit will continue to teach the same lessons for years to come. Nicholas died on October 29th surrounded by his family members in the comfort of his own home - free from the confines of a hospital bed, as he wished.

The following video is a tribute to the life of Nicholas Branca, who never stopped holding on for a cure.
(video has sound so be sure to turn off playlist at bottom of page)

To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die.
~Thomas Campbell

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Neuroblastoma (NB) is a rare childhood cancer which usually originates as a tumor (lump or mass) in the sympathetic nervous system. The most common place for the original tumor is on the adrenal glands which sit on the kidney. 97% of all sympathetic nervous system cancers are NB. New diagnosis of all childhood cancers occur in about 13,000 children per year, with only about 650-700 being Neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma generally develops in young children, as half of all cancers diagnosed in infants are Neuroblastomas. The average age at diagnosis is 2 years old, and the risk goes down as age goes up.

Although the cause of NB is unknown, most researchers believe it is an accidental cell growth that occurs during normal development of the sympathetic nervous system. Since NB is rare, most pediatricians have never seen a single case, and often the diagnosis is finally made only after a long trying period. Children may have a variety of symptoms such as irritability and low-grade fever that mimic common illnesses and viruses, or diseases such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis that cause joint pain. Symptoms depend on where the tumor originates and if it has spread.

Currently there is no cure for Neuroblastoma, and it's overall survival rate is 30%. This means that 70% of all diagnosed cases will have relapses even after remission, and relapses are not curable in most cases.

We can all work together to raise awareness of this devastating cancer by providing education on the symptoms and warning signs of neuroblastoma to parents and to healthcare providers, and by doing what we can to support research towards finding an eventual cure.

For the current research on NB, click here.

What can you do to help? The Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation has set up this website as a resource for those who would like to learn more, for parents of children fighting this disease, and for those who wish to help through research or donations. They have established a program called "Lunch for Lives" which asks donors to contribute one-day's worth of lunch money to help find a cure for NB through education, research funding, and awareness. Find out more here:
Lunch for Lives

For donations more specific to Neuroblastoma research, or in memory of Nicholas Branca, please consider donating here per the family's request.

Communication Breakdown

On a daily basis I see kids with developmental disabilities, speech and language special needs, and processing problems of various degrees. Most of the parents of these children experience some level of frustration with communicating with them - anything from not feeling they are being "heard" to not knowing how to express themselves or their expectations in an appropriate way for the child. Contrary to the Led Zeppelin lyrics, communication breakdown between parents and children is not "always the same".
However, as time goes on I've learned that even parents of children without developmental delays or speech and language special needs can benefit from learning some basic techniques in communicating effectively with their children. This blog will be multi-part, as this is a multi-faceted topic. This post will focus on what parents can do to begin assessing and appropriately remedying their own communication techniques, before jumping to the more tedious task of assessing and improving the communication skills and needs of their children.

The main question I want parents to continuously ask themselves is, "Are you saying what you want to be saying?" Before jumping to answers, I point out all the ways in which this question can be helpful. Here are some examples of what I mean:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Had the Flu? It Was Probably Swine Flu

Had the Flu? It Was Probably Swine Flu: "Despite fears, many have had the new flu strain -- and recovered."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cl on the DL

Chlorine is a common household chemical with which we are all familiar. Our grand-mothers taught us to fill bathtubs with it for hours to get them sparklingly clean, and our mothers bleached our whites every week. Unfortunately Chlorine has been linked to multiple harmful effects on our bodies through recent research. We are so used to Chlorine being a household name that most of us probably don't even think twice about the quantity of the chemical that surrounds us daily. Chlorine by itself can cause respiratory problems such as wheezing, allergy exacerbation, eye irritation, sore throats, and lung pain. When Chlorine combines with carbon Organochlorines are formed. These chemicals have the potential to disrupt our hormone regulation - especially estrogen - which has been linked to increased risk of many types of cancers.
Organochlorines often are produced as byproducts of industrial processes involving chlorine, organic matter and heat – such as bleached paper-making, burning of hazardous & medical waste, and general chemical production. They are also found in pesticides, pharmaceuticals, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic and more. What many Organochlorines do is interfere with neurotransmitters and hormones -- chemicals that carry messages between the nervous system, the immune system, and the endocrine system. These messengers are, in effect, the intersections in the body's information highway. A surprising number of Organochlorines jam those intersections either by blocking cell receptors so messages can't get through, or by acting like hormones and sending false messages. Some of the most virulent Organochlorines, such as the dioxins, mimic or block the hormones estrogen or testosterone, the central controllers of reproduction. Even small amounts of these substances can interfere with the production of eggs or sperm, with conception, or with the development of embryos. Perhaps their worst trait is that they do not easily breakdown in the environment and tend to accumulate to high concentrations in the fat of humans and animals. Therefore, your best bet is to avoid them as much as possible to keep your (and the earth's) accumulation to a minimum.
Here are some tips to limiting your exposure to Chlorine and its harmful counterparts:

Striking a Nerve

Today's NYT article which highlights various sources of peripheral nerve damage, including a reference to a flu vaccine injury.

The New York Times

HEALTH | October 20, 2009
Personal Health: The Many Ills of Peripheral Nerve Damage
With such a wide array of symptoms and causes of peripheral neuropathy, getting a correct diagnosis is often a challenge.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Swine Time

With all of the recent Swine Flu (excuse me, H1N1 to avoid offending the pigs and factory farmers who likely provided the gateway to the progression of this type of flu) media hype, I've been asked countless times by friends, family, and colleagues over the past few weeks whether or not they should become vaccinated, and the dangers of the vaccine vs. not receiving the vaccine. Although I in no way consider myself a swine flu expert, I can shed some light on the subject based on what I know and have learned, and can hopefully provide readers with enough tools to make an informed decision.
Some background:

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Family that Gives Together...

One of the most common pieces of advice I give to families who are looking for ways to spend more quality time together is to seek out volunteer opportunities in which the family members can engage together. Not only can volunteering provide most people with a sense of purpose and pride, but it can teach our children valuable lessons which can sometimes otherwise get lost in the shuffle of every day life.
Here are some things I believe volunteering can provide for you and your families or friends:
1. A better sense of community. Many times we as individuals and family units become so wrapped up in activities and responsibilities that we forget that there are those surrounding us in each of our communities who are in need of services or goods that we otherwise may take for granted. We can often become so involved in our own tasks that we forget the community surrounding us, or don't have the time necessary to envelop ourselves in the community as active and contributory members. You'd probably be surprised to see the looks on your kids faces when they realize they can make real tangible differences in the well-being of their community and its members through simple volunteer work. So what have you done for your community lately? Ask not what your community can do for you... okay, you get the point!
2. It can strengthen your family in many ways. Families who volunteer together usually report a feeling of cohesion and accomplishment as a unit -- something we could all use reminders of now and then. Even families who initially feel they dont have the time for volunteer work can usually rearrange something in their schedule or reframe some of their free-time activities to accomodate even small acts of giving back. Think small at first -- maybe make baskets for needy families around the holidays, "adopt" a family who is in need of donations, play with animals who are awaiting adoption, or spend one night in a soup kitchen serving others dinner instead of yourselves. Small efforts are easier to manage and may provide a gateway for more time-consuming committments in the future, depending on your experiences.
3. A sense of responsibility for your kids. It is never too early to start teaching your children a good work ethic. If they sign on for a volunteer opportunity they will need to be on time and be responsible for functions of a team effort that requires their best effort and commitment. They may also get the feeling that just one person can make a difference, which can pervade through the rest of their lives' endeavors.
4. Teach tolerance and compassion. Families often choose to volunteer in areas outside their own community which can promote interaction with people of all backgrounds, abilities, ethnicities, ages, and education levels. Kids may find common ground despite these differences, paving the way for more diverse future interactions and interests.
5. Filling free time more purposefully. Kids may learn by sacrificing their former "free" time to volunteer their time and skills that sacrifice is often necessary for the common good, and that life exists beyond their immediate wants and needs. It likely won't be as difficult as some might imagine to get your older teens involved -- trust me, if given the choice, they'd rather be out helping their communities than being seen in the mall with you! Let them bring a friend if that helps. You'll still be spending the time together, and the friend will be an added bonus to the project.

I recently discovered a great website which provides volunteer opportunities for individuals, families, and groups based on geographical regions and interests. You can access the website here if you are interested in learning more.

We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.
~Winston Churchhill

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dr. Oz Does it Again

Dr. Mehmet Oz, one of my personal favorites as well as one of the (an arguably "the") top Cardiologists in the country, addresses the issue of inflammation related to brain development as related to autism:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Get High Now

I absolutely love this website. Its title refers to a series of tips and tricks designed to stimulate and alter your mind without the use of drugs or alcohol. My favorites are the "visual highs" this far, but I'm still exploring.


Click here to "Get High Now"

Friday, October 9, 2009

Please Sneeze on My Child

Strange title for a post, I know. With today's post I want to address the commonly perceived notion that children who are in day care are destined to suffer the fate of constantly being sick -- a notion that can leave parents who need or want to use daycare with an unnecessary feeling of guilt, when in actuality the truth of the matter isn't so bad after all.
Here are some important points to consider regarding day-care and contracted illness in childhood:
1. Young children with older siblings and those who attend day care are at increased risk for infections to which they haven't been previously exposed or developed immunity to. However, this phenomenon has been shown to protect against the development of allergic diseases later in life.
2. Exposure of young children to older children at home or to other children (such as at day care) protects against the development of asthma and frequent wheezing later in childhood. The New England Journal of Medicine specifically states, “The incidence of asthma among children who had two or more older siblings or who attended day care during the first six months of life was significantly lower than that among children who had one sibling or no siblings and who did not attend day care.”
3. One of the most important triggers for infant immune system maturation and development is exposure to microbes (i.e. bugs, like viruses and bacteria). Studies have shown that too much protection from these microbes in infants may actually increases the risk of eventual asthma and atopic (meaning allergic, such as asthma or allergic skin reactions) disease. Basically, we need to be exposed to things before our body can figure out how to defend itself against them.
4. A 2002 study in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine found that Children in large day care centers appear to develop immunity to many of the viruses responsible for the common cold, a study reported in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine has found. The study of 991 children found that those in day care had almost twice as many colds at age 2 as those cared for at home. But from ages 6 to 11, children who had attended large day care centers as toddlers had about one-third as many colds as those who had stayed home. So basically the kids may have more colds and minor illnesses under age 2, but in the long run they will be better off than those who did not attend daycare centers when they were younger.

One of the most common mistakes parents make is insisting on antibiotics when their child is suffering from a viral infection, often despite their own pediatrician's recommendations. This has been linked to serious complications and immune dysregulation in children in the future, and most definitely will cause more harm than good in the long run. More to come on this in future posts...

For now take a load off, ditch the useless guilt, and consider that day-care doesn't always deserve the bad, germy, rap that it gets. You may be building super-immune kids in the process, and its what you do with your children while they are with you that they'll remember in the long run -- not how many colds they had.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

torture for butter?

This is a disturbing video, as I'll warn you, but unfortunately is a real-time depiction of some of the cruelty that goes on on many of America's (and other countries') dairy farms. Land-o-lakes is one of our most popular dairy brands. If you consider yourself an animal lover, who also eats these products, or if you plan to continue to consume them, you may want to consider watching this before finalizing your decision. My apologies for the disturbing dose of reality.

Cows Left to Suffer
for Land O' Lakes.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Low Vitamin D Increases Flu Death Risk in Kids

Low Vitamin D Increases Flu Death Risk in Kids:
So far, Swine flu, H1N1, has killed thirty-six children in U.S. and analysis of CDC data indicates Vitamin D deficient children at higher risk of death. The CDC did not realize they discovered this. However, anyone familiar with the Vitamin D literature will recognize it.

Almost two-thirds of the dead children had epilepsy, cerebral palsy, or other neurodevelopmental conditions like mental retardation. All of these neurological conditions are associated with childhood Vitamin D deficiency. Exacerbating the problem further, many of these kids take anticonvulsant drugs, which lower Vitamin D levels.

58 million American children are Vitamin D deficient; 7.6 million are severely deficient. When researchers looked at more than 6,000 American kids (age one to 21) who were carefully selected to be representative of the average American child. 9 percent of the kids had 25(OH)D levels less than 15 ng/mL and 70 percent had levels less than 30 ng/mL.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Alzheimer Rate to DOUBLE in Next 20 years

This link, from Mercola.com,  gives further incentives for us all to engage in preventative measures and familiarize ourselves with symptoms of AD so you can recognize the disease in its early states in your friends and loved ones if needed. See my original Alzheimer's Disease post here

Alzheimer Rate to DOUBLE in Next 20 years:
The number of people worldwide with dementia and Alzheimer's disease is soaring, and will nearly double in the next 20 years, according to a report.
By next year, there will be 35 million people globally with dementia. By 2030, that will have risen to 65.7 million, and the steep rise will continue to more than 115 million by 2050.
The proportion of older people affected has risen in south Asia, Latin America and western Europe. The biggest increase in future years is expected to be in low- and middle-income countries, as people start to live longer.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Rectum? Damn near killed 'um.

Told ya sooo...
My Vit D post #1

Vitamin D Doubles Colorectal Cancer Survival Rates:
"Higher blood levels of vitamin D may double survival rates of colorectal cancer patients, according to a new study. People with the highest average levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D had a cancer-specific mortality half that of people with the lowest average levels. What’s more, high levels of the vitamin were associated with an overall mortality level 40 percent lower than people with the lowest average levels. Knowledge of the link between vitamin D intake and protection from cancer dates from the 1940’s, when Frank Apperly demonstrated a link between latitude and deaths from cancer, and suggested that sunlight gave “a relative cancer immunity”."

Thursday, September 24, 2009

D for Deficient

In the United States, it has been estimated by some that over 85% of our adult population is considered Vitamin D deficient.  Some estimate that this number is even higher for our senior-citizen population, for a variety of reasons.  The problem with this is that Vitamin D is arguably one of the most important vitamins (although some refer to it as a hormone because of its active properties) to obtain optimal functioning of our bodies, and for the prevention and recovery from hundreds of diseases and disorders.  Some examples of the diseases on which vitamin D can have a positive and-or preventative effect on are:

- inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease
- multiple sclerosis
- osteoporosis
- cancer
- diabetes (60% of type II diabetics are vit D deficient)
- heart disease
- rheumatoid arthritis
- psychiatric illness

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Get your O's

 By now I'm sure you've all heard of Omega-3's (especially if I know you personally) on the news, ads, retail places, and hopefully your family doctors.  Unfortunately despite the widespread attention, most of us are still significantly deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids, especially those of us who follow a traditional American-based diet.  The Harvard-based study below concluded that somewhere between 72,000 and 96,000 deaths a year in our country could have been prevented by appropriate intake of Omega-3 fatty acids.  More to come on this issue in future posts.  For now, check out the article here:

Omega-3 deficiencies and preventable deaths

Friday, September 18, 2009

Your hidden food intolerances are making you....

fat? cranky? tired? bloated? have migraines? irregular? frequently urinate? gain 5lbs overnight? The list goes on for words that can complete this sentence.  One of the most common causes for somatic complaints, although often one of the most overlooked and under diagnosed, is food intolerance.  I myself suffer from various food intolerances, which I discovered after being tested about a year ago per a good friend's recommendation (of course, she'll tell you it was after I made fun of her for being allergic to beer -- and guess who joined her in that category! Kharma?)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

World Alzheimer's Day

September 21st is World Alzheimer's Day.  It is currently estimated that if rates of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) continue to rise as they are now, by 2050 11-16 million Americans will have the disease.  The purpose of the dedicated day is to both raise awareness of the disease's current state for lay people, medical communities, and members of congress, and to raise funds and create research-based guidelines to help combat the disease's current dismal progression. 
Many people mistakenly view Alzheimer's as a normal part of aging -- perhaps because it has become so increasingly commonplace among our elderly (albeit increasingly younger elderly) population.  The truth is that Alzheimer's is not a normal part of the aging process, and is a progressive disease that attacks the brain from the moment of onset until the individual's death.
Here are the 10 warning signs of AD, as issued by the Alzheimer's Association, and my own 2-cents on each:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Soles for Souls

Looking to do some fall cleaning? Why not start with your shoe closet.  Come on, you're never going to wear those pink pumas again.  This could be your chance to finally get rid of those shoes you wish your spouse would've stopped wearing a decade ago, using the "it's for a good cause" excuse ;)
"Soles for Souls" is a non-profit organization dedicated to donating shoes to those in need across the globe.  Thus far the organization has given away over 3 million pairs of shoes worldwide, averaging out to a pair every 28 seconds!
The best part of it all is that its easy as pie... just load up a box of your unwanted shoes and either bring them to one of your local drop-off centers (Drop-off locations) or ship them to:
Soles4Souls, Inc.
315 Airport Road
Roanoke, AL 36274
Remember to add postage and your return address to the shipping label. The organization will send you a receipt for your tax-deductible donation in the mail within a month.

Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends.... Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.  ~Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tax Junk Food, Drinks to Fight Child Obesity: Report - ABC News

Tax Junk Food, Drinks to Fight Child Obesity: Report - ABC News

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This post is dedicated to my friend Kaveh, the nation's top junk food tax lobbyist. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

To the 9

When discussing the benefits of organic produce, I've often been asked for the best way to identify whether or not produce has been classified as officially organic. There is actually a very easy way to figure it out, which apparently is not common knowledge as was brought to my attention by a friend last night.
Many products have whats called a PLU sticker attached to them (PLU = Price Look Up), which I'm sure many of you have seen. This is the annoying little white sticker that is on individual pieces of fruit/veggies, or on produce that is marked by its weight in containers (blueberries, herbs, etc.). An easy way to figure out if your produce is actually organic, based on the standards of the USDA National Organic Program, look for a "9" in front of a 4-digit code. For example, if a regular apple code is 3101, an organic apple will be 94101. On the contrary, any foods which have been genetically modified (usually abbreviated GM) will have an "8" in front of the code.

Points to consider:
- The purpose of the PLU code is not to inform consumers, but to facilitate grocery transactions between organizations and at the checkout counter. Regardless, anything labeled as organic must comply with the National Organic Program standards.
- There are NO labeling requirements for Genetically Modified (GM) foods as of now, so this is really the only way (to my knowledge)that we as consumers have to differentiate between the two. That being said, don't panic too much -- genetic modification is mostly limited to corn and soybeans, and hasn't yet infiltrated individually-sold produce such as tomatoes, apples, etc. Lucky us!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Change of Heart

'France's Nigella' renounces foie gras | Life and style | guardian.co.uk

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The above is an article publicizing the recent decision of a French culinary master to "silently" boycott Foie Gras by refraining from it and leaving it out of her cookbooks and recipe publications in the future. For those of you who don't know, Foie Gras is French for "fatty liver" and has been considered a culinary delicacy for hundreds of years. What you may not know, is that this "fatty liver" is obtained from male geese and ducks by some beyond-abysmal means. In order for the liver to become "fatty", geese and/or ducks are force-fed by feeding machines (depicted in the above article and video below) which basically involve a placing a long tube down the birds throat and pouring in an average of 20-30 percent of the animal's body weight in food two to three times per day . This would be the equivalent of an average sized person ingesting 40lbs of pasta three times per day! The livers become so enlarged that they can be seen through the skin of the animals, which is unfortunately when you know they are "ready" to be killed for this product. The other disturbing consideration is that the birds are kept either in extremely small cages or are literally stapled or nailed to wooden boards shortly after birth to keep them from moving too much. The rationale for this being that the more they move, the more of the precious force-fed bird feed they will lose to expanded energy. Most geese on Foie Gras farms will never spread one wing, except when flapping in anguish during their feeding times. I am posting a video below for those of you who eat or have eaten this product in the past. Although I do not believe the vegetarian lifestyle is easy for everyone, nor do I strictly & religiously practice it myself (although getting closer with each passing day), I do believe that we should all know where our food is coming from before making ethical and educated decisions on what we put into our mouths. If you can watch this and continue to consume it, then at least you have made an informed decision. (There's that informed consent again!) The video below is disturbing, at best, but is unfortunately not modified nor falsified.

The chef who made this decision took a bold risk in stepping apart from the culinary norm, and although I have dedicated this post to respecting and praising her decision, the sentiment is likely unshared by her esteemed peer circle.

A mind stretched by a new idea can rarely regain its former dimensions.

Foie Gras Video

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor fruits

I would like to dedicate today's post to the Kharma police for gifting us with this beautiful day with which to end our volatile-weathered summer. I hope all you readers have the opportunity today to reward yourselves for your own laborious contributions to our world through any means which bring you peace and repletion.

"The strongest bond of human sympathy outside the family relation should be one uniting working people of all nations and tongues and kindreds." ~Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, September 3, 2009

You are what you eat??

Have you ever noticed that a lot of fruits and veggies are shaped like human body parts? Many plant foods, including tomatoes, walnuts, celery, and others look just like certain body parts, and it turns out that their appearance may hold clues to what they can do for you. Check this out:

Tomatoes have four chambers and are red, just like the heart. Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that may be heart-protective.

• Mom was right when she said that carrots are good for your eyesight! Have you ever noticed that a carrot sliced the “round way” looks like a human eye? Science shows that carrots greatly enhance blood flow to the eyes as well as the function of them.

Walnuts look like little brains, and they are brain food indeed! Walnuts help develop more than three dozen neurotransmitters needed for brain functioning.

Kidney beans weren’t named that for nothing. They heal our kidneys and help them function.

Celery, bok choy, and rhubarb resemble bones, and they can help make yours strong. Just like bones, these foods are 23 percent sodium. If we don’t get enough sodium, our bodies pull it from our bones, which can make them weak. These foods can help replenish our skeletal system.

Avocadoes, eggplants, and pears are shaped like the female cervix and womb, and these foods can work wonders “down under.” Get this: It takes exactly nine months for an avocado to grow from a blossom to a ripened fruit. According to research, eating one avocado a week can help women balance their hormones, shed unwanted baby weight, and even prevent cervical cancer! Guacamole, anyone?

Figs are loaded with seeds and hang in pairs. Sound like anything else? These sexy fruits increase sperm counts and improve sperm mobility in men, which can help overcome infertility.

• Sweet news for diabetics! Sweet potatoes, which look like the pancreas, can actually help balance diabetics’ glycemic levels.

Oranges, grapefruits, and other citrus fruits resemble mammary glands and help keep breasts healthy by promoting the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.

Onions look like cells, and they help clear waste from all the body’s cells. The tears we shed while cutting onions even help wash the outer layers of our eyes. The cousin of the onion, garlic, also helps our bodies eliminate waste materials and dangerous free radicals.

Seems to me these aren’t just coincidences. After all, according to biologists and anthropologists who study our anatomy and our evolutionary history, humans are natural herbivores. So if you want to be your healthiest, pass up meat, eggs, and milk (and the pharmacy!) and head to the produce section instead!

Thanks to PETA for the too-good-not-to-share info!

Pet Health

If you're like me (and my husband, whether he admits it or not), you consider your pet a beloved member of your family, not just an accessory. See my attached picture to brighten up your day (Molson, age 1.5). It's no surprise that I want to give him every opportunity to live a long, healthy, and active life. Most of us may not realize that most commercial pet foods are actually harming our pets rather than nourishing them... mostly because we are too trusting of the dog food (and all food, for that matter) industries and don't have the time or resources to know any better. The main problem with today's store-bought pet foods is that they are processed. Our dogs and cats did not evolve eating processed pet foods, nor did they evolve eating the same foods every day.

In December 1995, the British Journal of Small Animal Practice published a paper contending that processed pet food suppresses animals’ immune systems, and causes:
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Heart disease
  • Other disease, including cancer and metabolic diseases
Many owners have actually switched to a primarily raw-food diet for their pets in an attempt to mimic the eating patterns of their pets' ancestors to provide optimal health. Another case in point: In one animal study, performed by Dr. Kollath of the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, young animals that were fed cooked and processed foods initially appeared to be healthy. But once they reached adulthood, they began aging quicker than normal and developed degenerative disease symptoms. A control group raised on raw foods aged less quickly and did not develop any degenerative diseases!

There are the two major problems with an entirely dry food diet:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Good morning friends. As you will notice in a few seconds, I've added a playlist to my blog where I can share music with you all. I am letting you know first as a warning, in case you are at work (working tremendously hard, I see) and dont want it to begin playing out loud, and also to get you feedback on how the player is working. Any bugs, kinks, glitches? The box is on the sidebar of my blog and you can scroll through songs there (otherwise they will shuffle) using the up and down arrows, and you can use the stop/play function there as well. Any bugs, kinks, glitches? Let me know. Otherwise, enjoy the music. Hopefully you'll now have a reason to keep my blog even longer. ;)
Happy Wednesday....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Egg-Free Baking

For those of you who might be cursed with the high cholesterol gene (thanks, dad), enjoying baked goods can be difficult to achieve knowing they are loaded with ingredients such as butter and eggs. The butter problem, I have not yet solved -- thus far I am still searching for a substitute which is equal in taste and doesn't disrupt the consistency of things that are meant to be butter-based such as shortbread and crumb topping. If anyone has any suggestions, please share! However, as a substitute for eggs I recently discovered the most marvelous concoction.
Instead of using an egg, mix together 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds in 3 tablespoons of water until dissolved into a thick, slightly sticky mixture. Do this for each egg in the recipe (2 eggs = 2tbsp flax/6tbsp h2o). Make sure the seeds are ground, not whole. You will not notice the difference in the recipe, and your arteries (and the chickens) will thank you later.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Truth About Soy

As many of you may already know, about 5 months ago I decided to take the plunge into quasi-vegetarianism. Some may call me a "pescetarian", as I do indulge in our swimming friends 1-2 times per week. My decision to do so came mainly after I read the book, The Food Revolution, by John Robbins. You may know Mr. Robbins as the author of Diet for a New America, or less commonly known as the same "Robbins" who was set to inherit the Baskin Robbins fortune -- but gave it all up due to his conflicts in accepting a business which caused the suffering and demise of thousands of animals per year, and whose products were becoming increasingly linked to the suffering (and eventual demise) of millions of Americans each year. I am sure you will hear me reference this book several times on this blog, as it was truly a life-changer for me and many others I know. But I digress...
The biggest problem I find in eating a primarily plant-based diet (aside from the unfortunate problem of many of my carnivorous friends and associates making ignorant, unprovoked comments as they shove flesh in their faces -- you know who you are) is that many of the items meant to replace meat are primarily made of soy. This is problematic for me for three reasons: 1) I think tofu is sub-par in consistency and taste, and really has no place in my culinary lifestyle as a result; 2) I have several food sensitivities (which most of us do, although usually undiagnosed-- which I will also address in later blogs, don't you worry friends), one of which is to Soybeans; 3) Despite its potential benefits, which are unfortunately usually overestimated, Soy has many negative properties on both our health and our world, all of which I am hoping to present to you in this blog so that you too can make an educated decision on what you put into your body. I would like to preface this information by stating that no matter what negative effects soy may have on your body, as a whole if the choice is between a soy-based product (at appropriate serving sizes) or an animal based product, soy is usually the better choice in terms of cholesterol, embedded toxins, and saturated fat. Therefore, when you hear that vegetarians who eat soy as a major source of protein are healthier than those who eat animal products, you are hearing correctly. I would also encourage anyone who is choosing soy due to a sensitivity to dairy (casein or lactose) to be tested for a soy allergy also, as soy allergies are equally if not more common than dairy-based allergies and should not be taken lightly due to potential long-term effects (this es-pec-i-a-lly applies to soy-based formulas for babies who are sensitive to dairy -- make no dietary changes of this sort without a documented allergy test! Until you obtain one, use amino-acid based hypo-allergenic formulas such as Neocate).
So here goes...
Important things to consider about soy before consuming it in any amount:

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Community Supported Agriculture

Want to support your community and local farmers, while getting some fresh delicious produce in the process? Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a program where local farmers offer certain "shares" of their agriculture to local buyers for set prices. When you sign up for the program, each week you can pick up a large box of fresh vegetables, fruits, and sometimes even eggs and other farm-fresh animal products depending on your area. This is a great way to not only support your local farmers in these tough economic times, but to feel at ease know exactly where your vegetables are coming from and try new local produce each week. Check out www.localharvest.org/CSA for details and to search for farms in your area. Some programs offer 1/2 shares for those who might not be able to use a full share's worth of produce -- but if not, find a friend or family member who might be willing to split the goods with you!
Thanks to my sister Stacy for turning me on to this program...

Veggie Benefits

Click Here

Peta discloses the benefits of chosing a vegetarian lifestyle.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

What is your "real" age?

Test from Dr. Mehmet Oz, one of my favorites -- not because he's on Oprah (duh) but because he truly explores all sides of an issue and presents them in an unbiased and upfront way. He also has mountains of advice for living a better, longer, more fulfilling life based on years of experience and open-mindedness. The test is supposed to be used as a guide to show how your chronological age compares to your "real" age based on lifestyle factors and history. The tricky part is where you go from there...
Enjoy, and happy weekend to all.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Is your laundry detergent toxic?

Certain chemicals commonly found in laundry detergent have been known to be toxic to humans to some extent or another. Most of these chemicals can leave residue to be absorbed by your skin or evaporate into the air that you breathe -- leaving more than a "fresh clean" scent. One could make a valid case that toxins surround us every day and its virtually impossible to avoid all of them; although true, I can still try to keep my surroundings as healthy as I can without losing my mind. Here are some common chemicals found in detergents:
  • Petroleum distillates (aka napthas), which have been linked to cancer
  • Phenols, which can cause toxicity throughout the entire body
  • Artificial fragrances, which have been linked to various toxic effects on fish and mammals
  • Phosphates, which stimulate the growth of certain marine plants when they’re released into the environment and contribute to unbalanced ecosystems
  • Optical brighteners, which can be toxic to fish and can cause bacterial mutations and allergic reactions
But, have no fear... the solution, for those who want to make the change, is here. Here is an easy recipe for homemade detergent. An added bonus is the $ you'll be pocketing by taking the time to make your own. I'll let you know how it is once I try it...
Add the following ingredients to each of your loads:
1 cup soap flakes - These can be bought, if you're lucky. In the old days this is all people would use to wash their clothes. They would come in boxes that looked similar to those dried potato flakes. Nowadays if you cant find them you can make them yourself by taking a bar of pure vegetable soap and grating with a cheese grater.
1/2 cup washing soda - Similar to baking soda, and made by arm&hammer. It has a ph of 11 so it can be somewhat irritating to your skin if you get it on your hands - I'd recommend wearing gloves if you touch it directly. I saw it at the health food store the other day, but if you cant find it you can call arm&hammer to ask for locations its sold in your area. It cuts grease and removes stains and odors the same way baking soda does, but dont use with silk or wool as it is a bit too harsh for those.
1/2 cup of borax - Household borax is a powder or crystalline salt. Technically, it is sodium borate, which is what is created when boric acid combines with sodium and turns into a salt. Borax is often used as a water softener and disinfectant. It also makes an excellent freshener when added to laundry and is an all-around deodorizer. You can find borax in most grocery or discount stores.

* If you have soft water, lower the washing soda to 1/4 cup. If you have hard water, increase to 1 cup each of all above ingredients.

Bonus tips: For softening fabric, use 1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar in the rinse cycle. Most fabric softeners contain mercury-based ingredients. For whites, use 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide as a soak for 20-30 minutes then wash as usual. I've tried this and it works the same if not better than bleach, and doesn't leave clothes stiff like bleach does. Plus its way cheaper!

Happy laundering!

Capitalism: A Love Story

Michael Moore's new documentary trailer. With the exception of Farenheit 911, I think all of his documentaries have been good so far. This one looks pretty promising...

The Skinny on our Growing Girth

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Flu shots

To flu or not to flu? To me, it's not even a question.
Reasons not to get a flu shot:
1) They still contain thimerosal - a form of mercury which has an affinity for the brain, gut, liver, bone marrow, and kidneys. Minute amounts can cause nerve damage.
2) Flu shots contain most or all of the following year after year:
- Formaldehyde (yep, same stuff grandma's preserved in)
- Gentamycin sulfate (antibiotics? we need antibiotics in our flu shot?)
- fluids from chicken embryos (ew)
- sodium phosphate (symptoms of ingestion may include vomiting, lethargy, CNS system effects, and heart disturbances)
- Neomycin sulfate (yes, another antibiotic) which interferes with Vitamin B6 absorption. An error in the uptake of B6 can cause a rare form of epilepsy and mental retardation.
- MSG (yep, same as the chinese food) - has been showed to have mutagenic, teratogenic, and reproductive effects. Its also a neurotoxin.
- Sodium Deoxycholate - shown by several studies to promote tumors and damage DNA
- Octoxynol-10/Oxtoxynol-9 - I wont bore you with the scientific details. All you need to know is that the manufacturer's website states: FOR RESEARCH ONLY. NOT FOR HUMAN OR DRUG USE.
- Beta Propiolactone and polysorbate 80 - both have been shown to cause cancer in animals

3) Flu vaccines have not been evaluated for their ability to cause cancer or mutations or whether they can cause reproductive problems. It is NOT known whether flu vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman, or whether it can affect future reproductive ability. It is NOT known whether the flu vaccine is excreted in human milk. Animal fertility studies have not been conducted.
4) Up to 90% of those who have flu-like symptoms do NOT have the flu. Rather they have Influenza-Like-Illness which may be associated with many different microorganizms including RSV, paraflu, chlamydia pneumoniae, streptococcus pneumoniae, rhinovirus.
5) In one CDC study, the flu vaccine was 16%-63% effective against influenza and was not at all effecive against Influenza-Like-Illness.

Every doctor who gives you a flu shot has to chart that he offered obtained "informed consent" from you before administering it. Which basically means he/she explained to you the risks and benefits of receiving the flu shot before administering it, and you said "okay" once you were informed.

Consider yourself informed. But will you consent?

Autism Recovery Stories - Part 1

This video was borrowed from the Defeat Autism Now! home page. It features several stories of mothers of formerly Autistic children and their versions of their unique journeys through recovery from the disorder, in various degrees. I had the great fortune of hearing similar stories like these live at the DAN! conference in San Diego CA last fall, and cannot wait to hear more at my next conference this winter. Working in conjunction with some DAN-trained Naturopathic Doctors in the CT area I have started to collect my own stories to tell. Stay tuned...

Skin Deep

A helpful website in deciphering common ingredients in our skin and body care items. The products are rated on a toxicity scale of 0-10, and potential harmful effects of the individual ingredients (not product as a whole) are listed. Take it for what it's worth, but remember many of the ingredients contain gaps in data due to preliminary or limited research. Nonetheless, I'll be throwing away my "7" hair mousse tonight when I get home...

Skin Deep

Californians say: Make our kids BPA-free

Californians say: Make our kids BPA-free

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